Quick News - 16.oct.03 |
Public Beta: Version 1.4b8 of iSynch Lite for OSX, iSynch Lite Classic and iSynch Classic soon to be available for download.
Quick News - 20.jan.03 |
OSX Only version of iSynch in progress
Quick News - 01.apr.02 |
Bluedays Software is back online after a move to Europe
Quick News - 25.Febuary.00 |
iSynch 1.3.1 New
Support for the Navigation Services.
New download options.
Better date preview.
iSynch 1.3.1 Fixes
Takes care of files which change date after a year.
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iSynch ©/ iSynch Lite ©
Download version 1.3.1 now ! (726K)
Version |
From |
iSynch Lite |
France |
iSynch Lite |
Mirror US |
If you have any problem to download the archive from the US mirror, send a mail to the support group |
"iSynch Lite® 1.3.1" Final release is now available.
This version is a Shareware - Use it at your own risk.
What's iSynch |
iSynch is an easy-to-use File Transfer client program for Macintosh
specifically made to simplify updating Web sites. It allows synchronization between
a local folder on a mac with a directory on a FTP server in an efficient way to save your time. It doesn't replace
a FTP client but doesn't need one. It has special features to update your web site or keep a mirror of a FTP server easier than by doing
it by hand like by keeping track of modification dates, synchronization dates, gives the possiblity to ignore files/folders by a simple click.
Screen Shots
 Main window |
 Previos window |
Register iSynch & iSynch Lite Before you register iSynch (Lite) be sure to understand the license. I will no longer accept "Single User License" for companies (See Site license).
You can register online (there's even a secure ordering page) or use the Register program that comes with iSynch (Lite) when you download it.
You will receive a registration number that will disable forever the annoying startup screen... |
Features ( = All versions = Hot, Not in the Lite version)
Doesn't need any other FTP client to work.
Very easy to use Finder-like Interface.
You can work on a partial copy of your web site. No need to download everything.
Fully threaded synchronization, allowing to work on other things during this time.
Use of Internet Config for default FTP server, FTP proxy, file types mapping (iSynch can function without IC but it works much better if IC is installed).
Support a wide variety of FTP servers, works with all popular FTP server like wu-ftp, NetPresenz and Windows NT FTP.
Customisable with a set of useful preferences.
Download and Upload with or without mirror.
Mac folders synchronization.
Synchronize your iDisk !
Various synchronization modes using the file date and/or the size.
Can set default permissions for files/folders upload.
Scriptable, You can create filters in Applescript, like upload only HTML files.
And last but not least, the possibility of saving the state of a site after synchronization to not upload/download what does not change.
Free WebSite Or One Individu Company
(known as Single user license)
If you're using iSynch for your personal usage, Education, your personal company (aka you're the only one in your company) you can register your version using this license. If your company counts more people than just you, you can't use this license.
More than One Individu in the Company (WebSite without paid advertising)
(known as Site license)
If you're using iSynch for a commercial Web site (which doesn't contain paid advertising) or for your company which counts more people than just you, you can register your version using this license.
Commercial WebSite (With paid advertising)
(known as Worldwide license)
If you're using iSynch for a commercial Web site (which contains paid advertising), you can register your version using this license.